Thursday, August 03, 2006

Egyptian Journey

Since I was a child I have always been attracted to Ancient Egypt. Movies about pharoahs and mummies always got my undivided attention. It is said that you can always tell the location of your Past Lives according to the time periods and civilizations you are attracted to. That being said, I discovered that I have had many lives spent in Pharonic Egypt. In 1982 I had an opportunity to travel to Egypt with a group of 24 others; all of us seeking more knowledge about 'those days.' It was headed by a Dr Patrick Flanagan who is a scientist ahead of his time as far as technology and ancient sciences is concerned. I learned much about the "secret Egypt" during those two weeks. It was a journey that changed my life into one that found me absorbing books each week seeking to learn more. The ancient sciences practiced during those days are still valid today and still influences our lives. Here are a few photos I took.

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