Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Comparing Winters

I'm in Boston this Winter purely for the difference in snow accumulation. Last year, in my area of Maine, we had over 300 inches of snow.... a bit over the top even for Maine. Since arriving in Boston, it has snowed almost every week as it does in Maine; but from what I see, the difference is temperature.

In the rural sections of Maine (away from the coast and into the foothills and mountains) the temperatures are colder in the winter and it does not allow for much snow melting. Therefore, any snowfall stays on the ground until the next snowfall.
Layer upon layer of frosty stuff grows higher and higher until Mother Nature raises the temperature and gives bright warm sun to begin the evaporating process. On a 'good' day, you will notice that the snow has shrunken a few inches. A good thing too!

In Boston; the temperatures are about 10 to 15 degrees warmer in winter and after a snowfall you might have days in the mid to high twenties, but temperatures will rise to the thirties and forties and a great deal of melting takes place allowing you to see bare ground. Last week the snow had disappeared completely until March 1st when the storm from the south left the eastern portion of our country "snow blessed."

Boston received about seven inches which is an 'acceptable' snow amount in comparison to the snowfall Maine received last week of 24 inches in my 'adopted home town.'

I am including some photos of Bostons' snow; Maines' snow dumping last week; and I just happen to have a few photos of Mother Nature's snow dumping outside my door in February 2008.

Wherever you are residing; if you live where snow is absent in the winter, you are blessed. On the other hand, I would not want to live in your area during the summer. Steaming is for vegetables, not people.......

Now for the photos.....
The photo above is in Boston taken January 18th
The picture above was taken in Boston, after a January snowfall.

Boston; late December

Boston: March 2nd storm
Another photo of the March 2nd storm

Boston: March 2nd storm
Now we're going North into Maine.
The Snowstorm of February 21, 2009

Western Maine: February 22, 2009

Same area, same snowstorm: courtesy of "The Daily Bulldog"

Western Maine: Courtesy of my friend Rachel

Western Maine: Courtesy of my friend Rachel

Photo Courtesy of "The Daily Bulldog" newspaper

Now for a few photos after a February snowstorm last winter in front of my house.

Welcome to my world..... I opened the front door and this is what greeted me!

The only reason there is a 'scoop' in the snow is I went into the night and shoveled a bit.
Here is my car, and Lucas who 'shovels me out.' Plowing the driveway is another chapter. Luke's job is to shovel where the plowman leaves off which is from the back of my vehicle to my front door.

Here you can get a better view of how deep the snow is.

He's making progress........
He's getting through it.....

Almost finished.......
