Saturday, February 09, 2013

The Blizzard of 2013 in Boston - Part Two

Well the snow stopped around Noon today (Saturday).  The local news stations were reporting that Boston received 22 inches into the wee hours of the morning.  Looking out the windows and opening the doors to the front and back porches I could see a hefty load on the streets.  The plows stopped coming by early last night.  And we haven't seen one at all today.  Using a wooden yardstick the back porch measured 14 inches of snowfall.

When I woke up this morning to take pictures, there was a lot more snow out there.  The winds were blowing so much last night that it left hardly any snow on the front porch, but the streets were a different story.  The cars had about a half inch of snow, if that; but the ground the cars were parked on showed snow up to the hub caps.  Streets for the most part are still not fit for travel, but you always have the handful of fool-hardy nuts who are willing to try.  The thing is; Boston drivers are not allowed to use snow tires (studded), and with today's light vehicles, you need something in this mess.

The airport is still closed until Sunday.  The Governor has lifted the road ban.  Boston has a parking ban; but what the hay, there is never enough parking spaces when the weather is normal.  I've been living long enough to remember if you had one car in the family you were doing extremely well.  Today, everyone in a household has a car. Boston streets weren't laid out for millions of cars.  It's cold out too!  I think it is around 20 degrees, which means you aren't going to get any help from Mother Nature to melt tons of snow.  Monday and Tuesday coming temperatures will rise into the late 30's and 40's.  We can shrink some of the snow piles then. 

I did take some 'before' and 'after' photos for you.  The winds were blowing snow and watery sprinkles into my face. You're going to have to look at what I could take from the porches.   I forgot to add that after viewing the photos and commentary below you can view a slide show of all the photos (without commentary) by clicking on a photo.  Blogger will open a new page for you.

The first seven photos are the "before" pictures.

 This one taken at night is shortly after dusk and it had been snowing a good 4 hours.  I seem to have an 'orb' enjoying the snow positioned to the right of the street light.

The remaining photos were taken this morning as the snow came to a stop.  You can see the snow accumulations.  The street pretty much looks the same at 7 in the evening.  No plows have arrived.  People are still blocked in.  If they want to drive, or attempt it; Good Luck!  They won't get far, that's for sure!!


1 comment:

garbanzo said...

You know something? I bet you'd like to have a space ship to climb into so you could get the heck out of there until the snow melts.

Too bad there aren't any space ships around. Or are there?

You probably have one in your basement and it just needs a tune up.