Friday, August 18, 2006

More Hawaiian Photos.....

I really felt ambitious the other day and went through my albums for pictures to share with you on my Blog. Hawaii is a place very close to my heart because I found so much peace while there. Living in a highly populated area with close to a million or more people surrounding you really does increase the tension and stress levels in your body and mind. If you can afford to take a vacation, it is extremely important to go some place where you can erase your tensions. A lot of people take vacations, but end up doing the same thing they do at home. They are always on the go, they put themselves on a schedule to do this and that, and though they might appreciate what they see; when they arrive home they often find that they need a vacation from their 'vacation.' With each trip we took to Hawaii, I added a day or two, did my 'running around' during the beginning and dedicated the last week to just 'chillin'. After going back home to Boston I took an additional 3 days before I went back to the 'madhouse' of the work world. Well; enough of my philosophy, let me share some of those photos with you!

This photo was taken on the island of Maui at a Buddist Temple. It is the largest statue ot Buddha in the United States, and the background setting is simply breathtaking!
Here is Charlie standing beside some incredibly large leaves! We were visiting a botanical park on the Big Island. I was just in awe at the size of some of the leaves going in Hawaii!
These are gigantic Lily Pads! Our tour guide told us that they are strong enough to support 30 pounds each!
The 'Mighty Ocean.' I could sit for hours watching the waves roll into the shore.
I was brave enough to drag myself onto a helicopter so we could see Hawaii by air over the island of Kauai. We flew over and into the Waimea Canyon, the wettest place on the planet with over 500 inches of rainfall a year. Here is one of the pictures. Hawaii is a very beautiful group of islands. It is the reason why it is often the setting for many of Steven Spielberg's movies.
Here is another Canyon photograph. I love the iron-rich red soil of Kauai!
A beautiful aerial beach scene
Another beautiful aerial shot of one of the bays on Kauai
Isn't this beautiful? It is a giant clam shell sink (fully functioning) located in the bathrooms at the Coco Palms Hotel on Kauai.
The lagoon of this hotel was used to film the wedding scene of Blue Hawaii; an Elvis Prestley film classic.
Here is my Hawaii beachfront home (another 'just kidding' remarks). This scene was taken on the Big Island of Hawaii from our rented condo apartment.
On the Island of Molokai, this beautiful beach scene was taken
More beautiful iron-ore rich soil of Kauai taken from the helicopter.
Who would like to join me on the grounds of this hotel on Molokai?
Refreshing, rushing water coming from a waterfall...
There are crystals, and there are crystals! This one lies in a Temple on Kauai and is 36 inches tall. This crystal is also very powerful. If I told you just how powerful, most would not believe me; so I just won't go into it here. However, if you are curious, email me at and I will tell you what I know.
Here is a Giraffe Family living on the island of Molokai. I was surprised to discover just how very skittish they are. If you make one suddenly move, they will scamper like a herd of elephants to get away from you.

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