Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More Egyptian Pictures......

I went through my photo albums and scanned more pictures taken while touring Egypt. I wanted to take many more but despite good intentions, I became sick after the third day and missed out on excursions to various tombs. By the time we left Egypt, if I even looked at food, my intestines steered me to the bathroom!

One thing I never expected to see were live scarabs! I thought they were extinct! Not so! They hibernate under the sand in the hot day sun and come to the surface once the sun sets and the ground is cool. I found this out while sitting on some beach chairs waiting for the Sound & Light show to begin at the base of the Great Pyramid. I noticed something moving on the sand towards us, and when Charlie told me they were scarabs, I raised my feet onto the chair in front of me!
They are large too! I don't remember anything about the Sound & Light Show at all. I was too busy concentrating on 'keeping safe'!

Here is the Guard-Guide of the Pyramid who asked me if I would like to spend the night locked inside the Kings Chamber. I politely thanked him but declined. Looks like a character from an Indiana Jones movie or The Mummy.

This photo was taken at the Temple of Philae. It was physically relocated when they built the Dam. You can see water marks if you look at the buildings and columns.

Here is a better view of the columns from the Temple of Philae
Here are members of our group walking towards the Step Pyramid; one of the earliest attempts at creating a pyramid.
This picture was taken inside the walled city of Cairo. This portion of the city is extremely old, dating back to the times of Mary, Joseph and Christ. As a matter of fact, there is a church located within these walls where Mary, Joseph and Christ hid from Herod. People still live in apartments here.
This photo was taken inside a Tent Party on our last night in Egypt. The men are Dervishes. Men typically do the dancing in Egypt. They play instruments and eventually begin spinning at incredible speed in a circle, giving themselves the name of 'Whirling Dervishes'. Whenever you see a Belly Dancer, it is a forbidden activity, and considered something akin to topless dancing in this country.
Here is a member of our group resting on a granite bench in the Kings Chamber inside the Great Pyramid. It was a hard climb to this chamber and it was quite warm and the air was very 'still'. Sitting or standing with your back against the granite walls was very cooling to the body. If you look closely you can see her reflection on the wall behind her.
Though I did not take this photo, I am including it here because it gives a clearer image of what the coffer in the Kings Chamber looks like. The granite block that appears in the image above is more easily seen, and they have a tendency to move the block around from time to time, as well as the coffer. There is more lighting inside the pyramid today than back in the 80's. When we were there, there was one florescent tube and the light was very dim.
One final photo: The was taken inside a Perfume Shop. The man you see poured various oils into small bottles and sold them in the boxes you see on the table. There was nothing you could 'spray on'. All perfume is sold in their natural oil form.

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