Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Few Quiet Hours in the "Country"

I know you might think that I am a little crazy, but last week John and I had to take a ride for business purposes and our destination ended in Chesterville, about 40 minutes from our home. While John took care of the business-end, I wandered the grounds with my camera. I knew we would be there for a while, so I also took a book AND my knitting just in case I got bored. I can't stand to be bored..... so I always leave the house 'prepared....'

I didn't know the scenery would be so intriguingly beautiful. Actually, since living in Maine, I have yet to see ugly landscape. Every turn, every stretch of road is always breathtaking. If you like greenery, you are definitely in the right place here. So out pops my camera and snap, snap, snap away I go.

We discovered that the person at the end of our destination lived on a pond, and as a sideline, he also has a wood business. He cuts down trees, debarks and slices them to be sold to people building houses, camps, or furniture. I love wood in all stages of existence. So you will see some photos of lumber in the slideshow, along with a few pictures of the bottom of the pond. Surprisingly I discovered mussel shells on the bottom. Who-knew??? Loons sang in the background as I walked around. Chipmunks and squirrels scampered about (as they do at my house). And I almost lost my camera because a spider landed on my hand and basic instinct made me fling it away even though it was the hand that held my camera! My camera went tumbling down a grassy knoll...... good thing it was all soft grass or I am sure it would have been the end of my trusty friend!!

How is this area different from where I live? It isn't really, except it sits on the shore of a large pond and the roads to get there are long, twisty, and unpaved. It's a deeper setting of woods than where my home is located.

So I hope you enjoy the slideshow.....


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful setting, thanks for sharing it! Your photos are all great, they make me feel relaxed, and I found something interesting to study in each one. My favorite is the mussel shell, it almost looks like a butterfly under the water. I hope your camera is okay after that tumble!


heavensent said...

Thank you Debbi for viewing my Blog and enjoying my photos! I love, love, love taking pictures of things that makes my heart fill up with awe.... I think it is the secret of my collection.

And yes; my camera is "ok." I was concerned for a bit until I put it through it's usual paces and so far, so good...

Love & Harmony,