It was a heavier, wetter snowfall than the last. (See the post below this one) Branches of trees and bushes were weighed down. In some areas outside of the city, electricity was lost. What saves a city like Boston is, the majority of their lines are underground. I stayed up until 6:15 AM because I enjoy keeping track of how things are going, and I will open doors and take photos if I see accumulation in significant amounts.
This snow accumulation will be with us for a week or so because temperatures will be in the high 20's and very low 30's during the day.
The people in the neighborhood were shoveling hard afterwards digging out their cars, sidewalks, driveways, steps and porches. I think people are changing because this is the first time I have seen neighbors helping neighbors. Young people were pitching in helping those older than themselves; and that was a first as well.
It reminded me of when I was little back in the 50's and people were more neighborly and looked out for one another. I hope that time is heading back. The planet needs it. We all need to begin showing little acts of kindness to others. There has been enough of being self-centered and ignoring those around us who are in need.
As to how much snow we got; I think it might have been about 15 inches; give or take a few depending upon where the snow was measured.
I even saw a Front-end Loader clearing snow from the intersection; something not usually seen around here. But I remember the Blizzard of 1978 in Boston, and nothing can compare to that. We got about 36 inches of snow. Transportation came to a total stand still. People could not get to work for at least 4 days. Those who worked for hospitals and were essential personnel had to be picked up by the National Guard in jeeps. My husband; not to be outdone, walked to work; and we're talking about a 15 minute drive when all is well and traffic is not a factor. Walking is 42 minutes on bare ground.
I am going to include some individual pictures below.
Here is a close-up of the snow falling. When you first look, it appears to be gossamer strings of silky fibers.
You can see the strength of the wind interacting with the snow and illuminated by the street light. This was taken at night at the beginning of the storm.
The following photographs were taken tonight, after all of the shoveling has been done. It is however, still lightly snowing, but nothing that is going to accumulate.
You can see the snow still weighing down the evergreen bushes at the foot of the stairs, and clinging to the tree branches above.
All is well in the streets tonight. You can see the snow on the rooftops after this snowfall. In the slide show prior to this posting, the snow is nowhere to be seen on the roofs.
Now; I will present a slide show of photos taken from beginning to the end of the storm.
We all must keep in mind that for the past few years Mother Nature has been re-arranging Herself, and cleansing her body (the planet) of thousands and thousands of years of negative emotional energy deposited into her by the emotional thoughts and actions of every human who has spent time here. She has to do this in order to continue living. She is; after all, a living entity just as we are. Just as we need to cleanse our body of toxins in order to continue living, so must our Planet. So when you read, hear, or see reports of unusual chaotic weather conditions happening, understand that our Planet is clearing Herself of accumulated toxins.
Major and minor cities in various countries all will eventually have their "cleansing" times; whether it comes in the form of flooding, snows, hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Look back in history to see what war like atrocities occurred in these areas. And if war was not a part of the history, how were people treated there? Were they slaves and denied a 'life?' Was there emotional or physical turmoil going on?
All of these conditions must be neutralized and transmuted. So hold on to your hats. Some form of cleansing is coming your way if it hasn't already; large or small, it's coming. In general, the heavier the emotional turmoil that took place on or under the surface, the heavier the cleaning of toxins. It might even need more than one cleansing in order not to completely destroy all life in these areas.
I need to add an addendum here. After posting this I read online that at the time this storm swept north, the National Weather Service reported snow on the ground in every state except Florida. Even Hawaii had 7 inches of snow on Mauna Kea Mountain.
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