Well, we had our Snow Storm. They predicted we would get anywhere from 8 to 12 inches this past Monday (January 15th). Thank goodness, we only got about five and one-half inches! I don't suppose it had anything to do with me asking help from the Earth Goddess (Mother Earth)?! I silently said a prayer asking "if we really did not need to receive all of the snow predicted, please let it bypass my area."
We are however, in the midst of some very frigid temperatures! The temperature dropped to minus 4 degrees last night, and we never made it above 2 degrees above zero today! We are scheduled to go back down to 4 degrees below zero again tonight. Thankfully the house made it through the cold! I remember a few years ago temperatures were below zero for about a week and the water line running from the well into my house froze. Water pipes are placed below six feet to prevent freezing, but that particular year the cold was so intense for such a long period of time, it traveled below the permafrost line. One year, my toilet line froze and would not flush! I shouldn't have to tell you what a panic that created!
Tomorrow we will be having a 'heat wave' when the temperature climbs to 28 degrees! But looking at the internet weather service, we will experience cold temperatures for at least another 8 or nine days where we will not see anything above 30 degrees. A darn site better than 30 below!!
Yesterday on the 16th the sun was in its setting phase and I happened to look out the window and saw the most unusual cloud formations! I have never seen any like these before (in person), so being the 'camera bug,' I grabbed my camera and dashed outside in the frigid, bone-chilling weather (no coat and hat) to grab these beauties while they were still 'available.' If you would like to view a larger format of the pictures below, just place your cursor over a photo and click.
These photos capture what is uncommonly recognized as "cloudships." Cloudships are supposed to be alien spaceships 'cloaked' in clouds during daytime as they go about their earth missions. If you do a "Google" you can get other pictures such as the one below. Here are a few links: http://www.bariumblues.com/lenticular.htm and http://www.etfriends.com/lisacloudpix.html When visiting the second link, wait until the page loads and scroll about halfway down to see actual photos of similar cloudships.